
This section contains articles written by members of ACIHL, in English and French, but also contributions from activists, researchers and human rights specialists.

We invite you to send your articles to the ACIHL president who will answer you as soon as possible concerning publication on this page.

The League of Arab States and the Arab Charter on Human Rights

Seven States adopted the Charter of the League of Arab States in March 22, 1945: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen. There are now 22 League members and its head office is in Cairo.

The League is the oldest International Organisation, founded before the United Nations and before the end of the Second World War.


Le Pacte des droits de l'enfant arabe de 1983

Il a été décidé, lors du premier congrès arabe sur l'enfant arabe tenu à Tunis du 8 au 10 avril 1980, d'élaborer le projet d'un pacte des droits de l'enfant arabe. Deux ans plus tard, le Secrétariat général de la Ligue des Etats arabes a présenté ce projet au Conseil des ministres des Affaires sociales arabes lors de leur quatrième session à Tunis du 4 au 6 décembre 1983, et ces ministres ont adopté le Pacte des droits de l'enfant arabe.

Read the version in French

Presentation of The Islamic International Court of Justice: A Muslim Judiciary Court

The majority of International Organizations function with their own courts of justice. When the 3rd Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Islamic States adopted the Charter of the Islamic Conference Organization (I.C.O) in 1972 [1] , however, a judiciary court was not incorporated. The Islamic International Court of Justice was in fact not created until the 5th Islamic Summit of 1987. The Summit amended the Charter of the I.C.O. at that time, incorporating and defining the missions of the Court.


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