Newsletter 2010 - 2
As part of our fruitful collaboration between our Arab Centre (ACIHL) and the Institute of Human Rights of Lyon (IDHL), Dr. Al-Midani held a conference on January the 15th at the Catholic University of Lyon on the following subject: "Introduction to Islam and Human Rights".
A cooperation agreement should be signed soon in perspective of a new joint activity between the two institutions (ACIHL and IDHL). Therefore, a round table would be prepared about "The Arabic Charter on Human Rights 2004" within the current year. This will follow and complete a previous event on "The Arabic Charter on Human Rights 1994". A round table on the subject held in May 2001 in Lyon.
By the way, on the 22nd of February, the President of the Arab Centre and his Executive Director participated on a regional seminar on "Human Dignity", in Doha under the patronage of the Qatar National Commission of Human Rights.
Also, as each year, the President of the Arab Centre will take part to the training of the European Court of Human Rights' staff by giving two conferences (March 9 and April 27, 2010) at the European Institute of Human Rights, University of Strasbourg.